I hope by now you’ve had a chance to learn about some of the groundbreaking features included in the latest version of Newton. If not, please give us a call to schedule the update for your agency. This release will impact your operations more than any other before it. As always, we’ll provide all the training you need at no cost.
Perhaps now more than ever, we’ve all come to appreciate the value of having a flexible and remote work environment. Today, I’d like to tell you more about a service that can provide the flexibility you need without sacrificing the quality and productivity that your clients expect. We call this service “Newton in the Cloud” utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS).
“Newton in the Cloud” offers three distinct advantages over your current solution:
1. Complete Flexibility – Give your staff the ability to work from anywhere, at any time, from any device with consistent experience and performance in all scenarios.
2. Unrivaled Security – Your Newton data will be stored, backed up, and protected in real-time by Amazon against software threats like viruses, malware, spyware and hardware failures and errors.
3. Outstanding Support – Direct all your cloud support needs to the same Newton support team you already know and trust. You’ll have a single contact for both Newton and the cloud – fast-tracking any support issue that may arise.
We wouldn’t offer this service if we didn’t trust deeply in its benefits. In fact, earlier this year we moved all our own systems to the AWS platform, and we’ve been blown away by the performance and reliability we’ve gained.
Call or email us now and we can get you set up within a week.